It is essential to wash your skin after you come in contact with the poison ivy to get rid of the urushiol oil in the poison ivy plant so that the other surfaces/people are not affected. Let’s check how to wash poison ivy off the skin efficiently.
How to wash poison ivy off the skin?
First and foremost, wash the poison ivy off your skin as soon as possible. Immediate action will help reduce the severity of its action. Use cold water and soap to wash away the oil residues from your skin. Do not scrub or rub harshly against the affected areas, as it may aggravate the symptoms. Rinse all the affected areas thoroughly to wash away the oil residues on the skin.
Tips on washing off poison ivy from your skin
1. Take a mild shower –
Make sure that you take a shower right after coming in contact with the poison ivy. If possible, cleanse your body immediately with a bar of unscented and chemical-free soap.
2. Wash off your clothes –
Before you take a shower, wash off your clothes. Preferably, use gloves to touch the things that might have come in contact with poison ivy.
3. Clean your other belongings –
Do not forget to wash your belongings, like shoes, gadgets, and other things, so the oil does not spread to other body parts.
4. Do not forget the nails –
Thoroughly clean your under nails because the skin under your nails contains dirt. If this dirt comes in contact with your poison ivy rashes or blisters, it can cause severe infection
5. Taking care of the pets –
Clean off your pet’s fur. Since there are chances that your pet might have come in contact with you, make sure you clean them too.
Make sure that you follow these steps to get rid of the poison ivy from your skin to reduce the chances of you getting allergic reactions.
Disclaimer: The following text is a transcription or copywriting provided for informational purposes only, and it is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider or doctor for personalized medical guidance.